If you’re a woman in midlife who’s not sure of your place in the world & what to do with the time you have left.
Welcome, you’re in the right place

I’m also the author of 'Finding Joy Beyond Childlessness; Inspiring Stories to Guide You to a Fulfilling Life.' You can read more & buy here
After much exploration, I've realised that 'my heart wants to be peaceful, calm & happy’ so my work is to make that happen
I don’t have the answers, but I am keen to explore questions such as ‘Who am I, what do I want, what’s my purpose, what’s important to me, & how do I want to spend my time?
I’d love you to join me on this exploration.
Drawing the map to my future
The way ahead feels like an exciting partly completed canvas; there are features (such as yoga, creativity, travel, time with family & friends) & I’m excited to fill in the gaps, exploring each contour of my life, my body, knowing that there will be dead ends, U-turns &, if it’s like the past few years, more joy (& challenges) than I ever thought possible.
Maybe you’re here because you’re childless. I am too.
It’s 20 years since we had our last round of IVF & I’ve had this website supporting childless women for over 9 of those.
In many blogs I’ve written about the differences between women with children & those without. And the more I explore & talk to friends, the more I realise that what I write now applies to all women looking to live authentically in accordance with their values, whether they have children or not.
What you’ll find here is:
Over 200 blogs & almost 50 Inspirational Childless Stories.
Articles & blogs promoting my book, Finding Joy Beyond Childlessness . And although the stories within in it are about being childless, the writing & exercises apply to all of us searching for joy.
My newer blogs about the areas I’m exploring, not specifically about being childless, but always being sensitive
If you’d like to join me, you can sign up to my email list below (& I’ll send you extracts from Finding Joy).
I know exactly what it takes to find joy when the dreams you had for your life didn’t come true because I’ve walked that path myself. In Finding Joy Beyond Childlessness, I use my own experience, those of 19 other women, and my skills as a coach and NLP Master Practitioner to guide you gently through the pain and out the other side to find your joy again.