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After writing almost 200 blogs over 7 years I realised how much support there was here & how hard it was for readers to find what they most needed.

I’ve therefore created a number of pages where you can find blogs about different topics. Those are quite broad & on this page you can dig deeper into areas which interest you.

I think the headings are self-explanatory, maybe with the exception of:

‘Lesley’s top picks, my favourite posts’ – this is a good place to start. These are a combination of those I really enjoyed writing & others which I think will be the most help to you.

Don't let your dreams ruin your life helpful process’- this was a series of blogs I wrote in early 2020, you’ll get the best out of them if you start with the earliest one!

‘Story’ – I am a great believer in the importance of owning your story as a positive step forward.

Please read a selection of different subjects & always with an open mind

I recommend that you take your times, always knowing that some will resonate with you & some won’t. And that’s perfect, because what supported me moving forward, might help you & it also might not.

In my blogs I usually ask questions, so I also encourage you to take time to answer them.

You can read much, much more in my book, Finding Joy Beyond Childlessness.

How much is your life controlled by what will people think?

By Lesley | July 7, 2022

When I was 10, I was prescribed glasses because I couldn’t read the blackboard at school. Every morning my parents put them in my school bag & there they stayed, coming out only if I thought no one was looking. At one point the teacher phoned my parents suggesting I needed glasses; ‘but she has … Read more

Kintsugi – the art of repairing ourselves with gold

By Lesley | June 7, 2022

Several months ago, I spent a lovely day with friends on a warm glass making workshop. Only a couple of hours after I’d got my pieces home, the laptop slid gently onto one of my creations, breaking it into 4. Because of all my hours of yoga & meditation, my first reaction wasn’t anger & … Read more

Inspirational Story, Becs

By Lesley | May 9, 2022

Each Inspirational Story is special & knowing the storyteller well makes it’s extra special & this is the case with Becs. We first met in a yoga class around 4 years ago &, as we practice with the same teacher, I see her online regularly. Over the last couple of years, I’ve valued our walks … Read more

Welcome to Spring, the time to start moving  

By Lesley | April 22, 2022

After several false starts, it seems that Spring is finally here & following the still & quiet of Winter, nature has begun to move. And maybe you also feel the urge to move, to start new things, to dust off those ideas & plans that have been on the back burner for a long time, … Read more

Time for me to make a new map

By Lesley | March 14, 2022

I’m writing this shortly after turning 60 which, I can tell you is not for the faint hearted. Before stepping forward into the new decade, I had a long, hard look at my life, what’s working & what isn’t, what brings my joy & what doesn’t. And the decisions I’ve made mean that I’m ready … Read more

Four things I learned from (almost) 8 years of journaling

By Lesley | February 4, 2022

A friend recently asked me how long I’d been journaling & when I replied that it was almost 8 years, she said ‘so you must find it helpful.’ I guess I must. Which encouraged me to ask myself how it supports me so I can share my thoughts with you. I’ve also included some research … Read more

Inspirational Story, Sue Bulmer

By Lesley | November 29, 2021

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you’ll know that I believe creativity is helpful in supporting us to work through the grief process. Which is one reason I’m pleased to share Sue Bulmer’s story with you today, as she found her way to ‘the person I was meant to be’ via creativity. … Read more

What do you want to take forward to next year?

By Lesley | November 15, 2021

Autumn or Fall is the time when nature leads by example, by shedding what it doesn’t need, retaining only what’s necessary to sustain it through the winter & when seeds nestle underground ready to sprout in Spring. I love to take nature’s lead & review my year to date, decide what seeds I want to … Read more

Inspirational Story, Lorna Wayth  

By Lesley | October 28, 2021

It’s a while since I shared a story with you & I’m really pleased to share Lorna’s which is both beautifully written & includes many nuggets of advice. Just reading the 2nd paragraph had me cheering, both when she said that she’s made many tweaks and changes in order to rebalance my life to give … Read more


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